HUNTERDON COUNTY - The Hunterdon County Prosecutor's Office has a new K-9 officer, a 20-month-old German shepherd from Czechoslovakia named for a detective who died two years ago. Hunterdon County Prosecutor Anthony P. Kearns III said a small ceremony was held...
Lanzer’s Friends
Declaração Associação Humanitária dos Bombeiros de Carnaxide
Para os devidos efeitos, se declara que a Associação Humanitária de Bombeiros de Carnaxide, Instituição Pública, sem fins lucrativos, contribuinte n.º500 998 051, agradece muito reconhecidamente o prestimoso contributo do Senhor Cônsul Honorário de Portugal na...
Liga Portuguesa dos Direitos do Animal – Agradecimento Especial
AGRADECIMENTO ESPECIAL A LPDA/ Núcleo IZQC, Associação de Utilidade Pública sem fins lucrativos, agradece muito reconhecidamente o prestimoso contributo do Senhor Cônsul Honorário de Portugal na Florida, e CEO da Summit Nutritionals International, Inc. ®, Senhor Dr....
Consul in Florida assures auto tank repair
Cônsul honorário Caesar de Paço fez ontem doação. Em tempo de seca, autotanque tem garantido água às populações Se o Natal é uma época de solidariedade, para o cônsul honorário de Portugal na Florida este tempo não é diferente do resto do ano. Na altura dos fogos que...
Marc Castellano Foundation thanks Summit Nutritionals International ®
Summit Nutritionals, The Marc Castellano Foundation would like to thank you for your generous donation. We are indeed grateful for your support which helps us assist law enforcement officers in need. Your donation has helped us with the coordination of The Marc...
Debra Faiello endorses Droi-Kon ®
Summit Nutritionals International 29 Rockaway Rd Lebanon, NJ 08833 Droi-Kon has worked wonders for Zeus, my 95 pound Explosive Detector K9 partner. Zeus is my 3rd K9 partner. Before I rescued Zeus, I trained K9 Caesar, narcotics detector, and K9 Xena, explosive...
Point Pleasant Police Department thanks Summit Nutritionals International ®
The Point Pleasant Police Department thanks Summit Nutritionals International ® for the generous offer of a specially trained dog for their K-9 unit 2017 Summit Nutritionals International
Trooper Marc Castellano 2017 Thanksgiving Day 5k
The first place runner crosses the finish line at the Trooper Marc Castellano 2017 Thanksgiving Day 5k fundraiser. Summit Nutritionals International ® proudly sponsored the event this year. All funds raised for this foundation will aide families of NJSP Troopers...
The Marc Castellano Thanksgiving Day 5K Turkey Trot
Marc K. Castellano was born on July 15, 1980 in Lakewood, New Jersey and lived in Jackson until he moved to Howell, New Jersey in 2004. He was a graduate of Jackson Memorial High School in 1998 and received a Jackson PBA scholarship that year. He received his...
Amanda Chouinard endorses Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin Sulfate
2017 Summit Nutritionals International