Lanzer’s Friends
Deal Police Department endorses Droi-Kon
Four months ago I received a shipment of Droi-Kon Chondrotin Sulfate for my dual purpose Patrol/Narcotics Detection dog K9 Atok.
Holmdel Police Department Endorses Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin to K-9 partners
K-9 patrol training comes with an amount of certain inherent risk of injury to the dogs and as K-9 Xander trains to obtain his patrol K-9 certification, minor injuries are inevitable. In preparation to mitigate these injuries, I intend to continue a strict regiment of...
Roanoke Police Department Testimonial
On October 14, 2014 I lost my previous partner of six years, K9 Mia, single purpose narcotics detection K9 at the age of 9 years old due to cancer. In December 2014, K9 Loki (donated by Summit Nutritionals International) and I were partnered together. At that time K9...
Point Pleasant Police Department, received K-9 partner, Kaya
In February of 2018,1, Officer Jeffrey Johnson of the Point Pleasant Police Department, received my K-9 partner, Kaya. Kaya is a 15-month-old German shepherd from Hungary. Kaya and I started training on March 12, 2018 for bomb detection… See Original Document >
Point Pleasant Police Department, received K9 partner, Juno
In August of 2017 ,I, 0fficer Travis Popiel of the Point Pleasant Police Department, received my K9 partner, Juno. Juno is a 1-year-old male German shepherd from the Czech Republic. Juno and I are extremely active with training calls to service and, fun. Juno is...
Cônsul Honorário de Portugal chega à impressionante marca da oferta de 100 exemplares canídeos à Polícia
Dr. Caesar DePaço, Honorary Consul of Portugal in Palm Coast, Florida, met FCSO canines Oden and Axle
This afternoon Dr. Caesar DePaço, Honorary Consul of Portugal to the State of Florida, was able to meet Oden and Axle, the two K9’s he generously donated to FCSO after learning of the retirement of K-9 Marko and K-9 Tag. Thank you again for our newest additions! News...
Generosity of North Jersey couple helps Linwood fight crime
LINWOOD — The generosity of a couple from Hillsborough in Somerset County received a heartfelt, hometown heroes welcome and thank you last Wednesday evening at the City Council meeting. The Linwood Police Department, along with council, honored Dr. Caesar DePaço,...
Dr. Caesar DePaço and his wife Mrs. Deanna Padovani-DePaço honored by the Linwood Police Department
On Wednesday night at the Linwood City Council Meeting, Dr. Caesar DePaço, CEO and Deanna Padovani-DePaço, President of Summit Nutritionals International, Inc., were honored for their companies donation of $10,000.00 purchasing K9 Kaos for the Linwood Police...